I have been researching on hair and how it communicates as a visual element. At the moment i am trying to find ways to put this out there so that the public can participate in this exercise; or at least learn from it. I have tried wigs, salon hair dressing and even produced beauty product packaging. I am now toying the idea of hair as a mask.
Hair is a reflection of the personality. So what if I hide the primary features of an individual with a mask. What if the mask is the hair. Will the hair still reflects on the personality or does it need the face features to work as a package?
Yet this does not contribute to the society. How can i bring this to the next level?
Accessorise the hair with unusual stuff? Remember that girl on Eurovision with chains in her hair? It stood out and reflected what she was about - rock chick.
Could have hair all over the face with lots of butterflies clipped into it? :)
Also consider people with hardly any hair/ none at all (like Matt Lucas out of Little Britain)- what would they do if they had lots of hair?
Or maybe facial hair, i suppose that could be considered as a mask. I once didn't recognise my uncle because he'd shaved his beard off. You could take facial hair to the extreme, or look at why it's so socially unexceptable for women to have facial hair.
Woman with facial hair...
Hair with chains...
hey... both are great ideas! hmm... i wonder what i can do with it.
will keep you guys posted.
cheers babes!
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