I borrowed a hammer from the neighbour and squared up to the screen of this giant glass beast. The best approach to destroying this glass funnel object was to stand backwards facing away, not meaning that I was in effect turning my back on the enemy but to protect myself from any harm. This would prevent any glass from damaging my eyes and hopefully protect me from any dangerous flying fragments. In the corner of my eye I could see the point at which I wanted the hammer to connect, I took one step forward and swung my arm up and forwards, when my arm had swung half way up a then stepped back and began to swing backwards… BANG… A strange silence then followed. To my amazement when a turned around to inspect the damage a was stunned to find that the hammer had not even chipped the surface of the screen. The glass like substance appeared to be indestructible. I prepared myself for a second assault on the glass monster. Another backwards but even harder swing…BANG…silence again and when I turned to inspect the damage I could see that the beast was hurt. A very tiny but insinicatant splinter, the kind a thing you seen on a car windows screen when a small stone has been flung up from the road. If it could be damaged then it can be destroyed I thought to myself.
Again I squared up to stand against the beast, Hammer in hand and confidence in my head and heart a swung at the monster with all my might…BA…BANGGGGG.The screen exploded into a million tiny particles, showering me from head to foot.
The room was filled with a dirty black cloud of smoke and room had become black hole full of glass splinters reflecting light through this toxic and foul stinking mixture of dust, glass and gas. For a brief second I was captivated by the silence and light rays shinning and flicking from the suns rays amongst this toxic cloud of smoke, from destruction a strange beauty had been created, filling the room. After about ten seconds I thought it best to escape this room in case the strange gas substance leaking out of this now smashed glass funnel was dangerous to my health.
As I opened the window and dashed through the door I turned to see what damage had been done, the room was a complete mess.As I began to try and bring order back to this room I couldn’t help but notice how each individual glass splinter had it’s own totally unique and individual beauty, The lines and shape, the colour and feel, the way in which light reflected of the surface. It would be impossible to produce or design just one mark on this totally unique form. As the light shown into this dark and dusty room the effect of the reflecting sun rays filled the room with a sparkling and breath taking light, It was like floating in space, seeing the sunrise and having a million stars shine around you at once. I could help but feel that for a split second I was in fact transported to another time and place.
What's next?.....How can I link my trip to Japan in with my MA work???any ideas.....
Carry this text through to Japan - that's where you're transported to.
You could link this to the underground there (wait 'til you see the undergrounds in Tokyo - make sure you travel them at rush hour it's mental).
The 3rd paragraph (starts "The room was filled with a dirty black cloud of smoke") if taken out of context sounds like your in a terrorist attack.
Read some Japanese graphic novels too before you go.
Cool.... some good ideas to think about.
Chris..you should try some Japanese giant glass beasts (not breasts) when you get there :)
hahah....sounds very interesting
cheers dude
you know... you are quite good at writing. I think you shoud do more of it. You have a natural flare of describing and i must say it was rather entertainning. I don't read a lot myself but you blog did make me chuckle.
From what I understand (at least my point of view), your project is about Capturing a moment of natural aesthetic: colour, texture, light. How to relate to japan... hmm... maybe you should think about what is the easthetics in japan that is related to colour texture and light. I still have not made the link. But will keep thinking.
Write more: maybe produce a lil coffee table book. Your words and your images. 'Enlightenment'
Cheers James.....I like the coffee book idea.
Something to think about...
I agree with James you should write more - it's very visually descriptive
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