Lichfield itself has the most spectacular gothic cathedral covered in statues. Lots of history. Beautiful place (I'm there every day, my son goes to the Cathedral School).
Ten minutes from my house ... less than 40 minutes by train from New Street and trains run every 15 minutes.
Lots of nice coffee shops too ...
Anyone interested in going? More info on festival at:
More info on Lichfield at:
Get in touch if you want to go for a day and we'll organise it.
Hi there hon
Im up for going... let me know,
Interestingly there is a direct connection between Lichfield Cathedral and Saint Chads Cathedral right on our doorstep, (opposite the college). During the reformation Saint Chad's relics were rescued from the ransacking at Lichfield and are now kept at Saint Chads Cathedral. Well worth a visit, (Cathedral designed by Pugin).
I didn't know that Steve. That is interesting.
I just love Lichfield Cathedral. Been there this morning for my son's speech day (he's at the Cathedral School).
One of those buildings that makes you feel very humble, and you always find yourself thinking 'How the hell did they build this???'
Makes sense though as Saint Chad is who Lichfield Cathedral is dedicated to.
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