What do you see in my photographs?
I'm looking at the phenomena of seeing shapes in natural things. I've posted some photographs I took in Sutton Park last week up on my blog in which I see other shapes.
What do you see in them?
This will form part of my research so your comments are much needed
I don't know about you, the trained eye, but i see a face in the water, a really big white face, with some wrinkles...
Thats what I see. There are a few more of these images over on my blog under the posting 'Pareidolia' - http://annerleyjohnson.blogspot.com
What do you see in my other photographs?
I also see a face, with a really big nose like a scare crow...
Also I see large blasts of water spraying up into the sky, like explosions in shellow water...
I also see a face BUT!!! it was shot at the forehead and the tree in the middle is the splashing blood.
if you step backward from the monitor...believe me.
very scaryyyyy!!!
What would happen if we cropped the picture ?
What if the camera's perspective changed ?
Are we able to engineer VISIONS ?
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