Monday, 14 May 2007

Welcome to UCE MA Visual Communications

This is the main blog site for the MA Visual Communications course based at the Birmingham Institute of Art & Design at the University of Central England.

A place for full time and part time students to exchange information, ideas and critique.

The intention is to provide a way of students on this course to communicate easily with each other. Please use it as much as possible and keep your work up to date on here. It's of benefit to all of us.


Annie Blue said...

Thanks for setting up the blog for MA!

Chris Shaw said...

Hey guys.....Add and post as much as you want. More the better...good luck and take care everyone..

Annerley Johnson said...

Hi All

Don't forget to set up and post to your individual blogs. This is a place to have a digital record of your RVJ and you can get more in depth on your work.
